Managing and Avoiding Difficulties With the Assistance of an Adoption Lawyer in Columbus IN

by | May 13, 2019 | Lawyers

Terminating the parental rights of a child’s biological parents is the first legal step in the adoption of a child. Other steps take place between that first one and the finalization of adoption for the new parent or parents. An Adoption Lawyer in Columbus IN assists clients throughout this process, making sure that all legal points are followed to the letter.

Closed and Open Adoptions

Adoption can be closed, with the adoptive parents and the child having no contact with the biological parents. Open adoption allows for communication between the biological parents and the youngster. Sometimes this communication is limited and other times it allows for liberal visitation. The adoptive parents must decide what they are comfortable with, as there are challenges in open adoptions. An Adoption Lawyer in Columbus IN provides legal counsel for all of these situations.

Mixed Emotions

This major life-changing occurrence comes with both joy and stress as the family welcomes a new baby or young child into the home. The process of reaching this point can be frustrating and depressing. Many hopeful individuals and couples have had to deal with the birth mother deciding against giving up the baby at the last minute. Sometimes couples and individuals know they are passed by multiple times as birth parents repeatedly choose other prospective adoptive parents from the group listed through an agency.

Adding to the mix of emotions is the knowledge that the birth mother is likely grieving a loss. She feels she is doing what’s best for the youngster by allowing the boy or girl to live with parents better able to care for the child. Nevertheless, it tends to be a very difficult situation emotionally.

Preventing the Most Difficult Situations

Having a law firm such as Alcorn Sage Schwartz & Magrath LLP working on the details of the adoption can help prevent some of the most heart-breaking scenarios. For instance, a birth father who was never told about the child may successfully dispute the adoption. This may happen weeks, months or even years after the adoptive parents have brought the child into their home. Men and women seeking to adopt a baby or young child may browse the website.