Getting Assistance from a Bail Bond Agency in Tarrant County, Texas

by | Jun 6, 2019 | Bail Bonds

People are getting arrested for misdemeanors all the time, and some are arrested for felonies, which are serious charges that must be dealt with. When the arrest happens, a judge will set a bail amount for the defendant to pay, who will spend time in jail until the court date if the bail can’t be afforded. A Bail Bond Agency in Tarrant County, TX offers to help those defendants who can’t afford the bail so that they can get out of jail and go home to their loved ones. Here are some things that should be understood about what the agency expects.

Understanding the Expectations of the Bail Bond Agency

In order for defendants to be released from jail when they don’t have the full amount of the bail, a bail bond agency will charge them 10 to 15 percent of the total bail. The bail bond agency is essentially guaranteeing the court system that the defendant will show up for court to dispose of the case. If the defendant doesn’t show up, the bail bond agency becomes responsible for the full bail amount.

More on the Expectations of the Bail Bond Agency

Since the bail bond agency is taking a risk on defendants, they will usually ask a defendant to come up with collateral against the full amount of the bail. This could be anything of value, such as real estate, a boat, expensive jewelry, stocks, bonds, or a car. That way, if the defendant doesn’t show up for the court case, the bail bond agency can place a lien on the defendant’s property until the agency gets its money and the defendant will go back to jail.

A Bail Bond Agency in Texas

Defendants who are looking for bail bond agencies in Texas will be able to find many agencies in the area they are searching for. Vaughn’s Cowtown Bail Bonds is an agency that provides such services to defendants and their families in Tarrant County, Texas and the surrounding area. If a person is looking for a Bail Bond Agency in Tarrant County, Texas, the agency is available. The agents invite defendants to “Visit us for more information.”